
Prediction of antimicrobial peptides using machine learning classifiers

I created machine learning classifiers to predict the antimicrobial activity of peptides. It was an end-to-end project in which I did the data pre-processing, feature engineering, training, hyperparameter tuning, and deployment of the best model as a web application with Streamlit.

Sentiment analysis of Ecuadorian political tweets from 2021 elections

In this project, we captured sentiments of replies to tweets from two Ecuadorian presidential candidates in the 2021 elections (@LassoGuillermo and @ecuarauz). A model of artificial neural networks was used to classify tweets considering their sentiment as positive, negative, or neutral.

CRBN mutations

This project is a computational study of the structural changes of two Cereblon protein mutations using Molecular Dynamics and Quantum Mechanics simulations.

Corn Disease Detector

In this project, we created a plant disease detector based on convolutional neural networks, trained to recognize two types of maize infectious diseases - Common rust of corn and Northern corn leaf blight.